Monday, April 24, 2006

Counting Down (In oh, so many ways)

I can't believe it's only a few days before I leave for ROLEX!

I've been interacting on the Internet with a really wonderful group of Rolex nuts that I stumbled upon looking for my own Rolex report (NOT vanity--this time--but I couldn't remember the URL for the first Rolex report!). This crew is from all over, but they have one thing in common: they are NUTS for Rolex--the horses, the sport, the riders....everything. The Rolex Report that Matt does is a subset of his regular blog, "Matt's Mindless Musings". Nice to see that there are other Rolex bloggers (who've been doing it a lot longer than I have) who have a opinions about all sorts of things, and who aren't afraid to write them down. Let Big Brother watch!

I hope to meet up with some of these folks (who are coming from CA, VA, MI, IN, TX...basically, all over), but their annual course walk (they call it the "course stumble"--I believe there might be some alcohol involved, but I wouldn't know about such things) is right after the last dressage ride on Friday....and that's when the volunteer briefing is to take place. Did I mention that I get to be a fence judge again? Cell phone numbers have been exchanged, however, so I'm hoping to meet up with some of them, anyway.

As to the other count down...dear Dark Corsage was due April 17th, as just like last year, she's ignoring the due date. TWICE last week I went out to find her laying down (I know, I know, only hens lay--but she was prone in the staw, how's that?) and groaning loudly and regularly, only to sense my presence, jump up, and begin eating hay. I know she'd have the dang thing if I'd just ignore her, but all these "what ifs?" keep circling in my head. And they should--last year, she had a beautiful, beautiful baby who had a short life and a borrible, violent I'm perhaps a bit more over-protective this time. You want to know more? Click here, but be's gruesome.

I fear she'll wait until I leave for Rolex, then have it while only Locke is here. His philosophy: Horses have been having babies for years. Stay out of it.

Somehow, I don't think he'll be giving the fleet enema.....

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